Originally Posted by Caribou
A lot depends on what the editors do with it;
We can hit a nail once, but if 3 camers (lots of go pros) catch it, you might see it hit 3 times and even in slow motion.

We use Finnish Mosins because they are accurate, reliable and the weight keeps recoil very mild dosent kick Agnes;'s shoulder off.We used to have a vast collection, but most of that was sold off apon my conviction to pay for Audio forensic Specialists and lawyers.
Were fine with open sights and if we would want a scope, then well get one, or use one from the collection.
The only troubles the Mosins ever get is getting clogged with snow, just like any other rifle, and with all the wood, our hands dont freeze to the steel, it balances quite nicely and the cleaning rod keeps the chamber swabbed and the snow unplugged from the barrels end, the sling is on the side and the straight bolt handle makes for an easy grab in deep cold..
I gave the wifes M1A NM a workout and Ive been plugging away with it plenty, but its still not quite what I like in sights, and getting used to the peeps is gaining. The only problems I had with the M1a was a cracked feed lip that let my rounds all come out at once, and actually on camera LOL!
We have always been able to afford any rifles we want, and we use what we like. ''Only accurate rifles are interesting' said Atkins or some writer such as he.......and we agree. laugh The Finish M-39's are hard to beat.

Another reality is that we haven't lost any animals. They just take time to die, and its not a perfect world.We shoot them and let them keel over. Growing up in Montana, I was taught that after a shot, dont chase them right away, let them die or laydow or whatever and then track and retrieve. In the open Tundra, blood on snow is no mean feat of tracking.
As far as ''Shooting into the herd' thats just BS. The one and only time you see anything close to that was a herd passing and the producer didnt get a ''Kill shot'' on the Caribou we had down, so they were urging Agnes to shoot 'over' the animals that were passing; she wouldnt, but she smiled, and shot the ground about 20 feet in front of her, (its a hillside) and you can plainly see the bullet strike, and the rock/snow fly, if you look for it.
Caribou are like fat puppies, Fat Caribou run slower than the skinny ones, so often the camera follows the 'big knot' while were shooting the last few who are a bit strung out from the rest.Once we had a Cameraman who could listen and remain calm, all was well.
Until my conviction, I was the Hunter in the family, and shooting a moving Caribou is a skill I have and as I was convicted just before the show started, Agnes was learning the techniques and terrain I had previously been at. The one nice thing about all that was that I got to take her places I had previously hunted alone and she had only been to occasionally.

I am a Felon no more. Since last Dec 12th, when Judge DiBennadetto set aside my conviction with no contest from the state.
I , my Lawyer and the FBI are hopefully dealing with the Alaska State Troopers, and thats that.

When I was able to use BlackPowder weapons, I had only Pyrodex to shoot, and if you have ever tred that at -20 you will know that hang fires , misfires and nothing at all is about 1/2 the shooting. A hangfire had me shoot 400 feet over a Muskox on one....LOL! In AK, Felons must use BP made before 1898 or before, or a replica thereof. No inlines, no scopes, nope.

I used to post here as Ehailstone in the way back past, but gave up most of my internet forums ( I couldnt leave a couple )when we started the show.
Now Im around home until mid January, so I rejoined, looked at the Alaska forum, and ''BINGO!" here we are LOL!!!

Cheers guys, Im glad to post and read here again.

I look forward to hearing more of what you have to say and watching your shows. Hopefully there will be more life below zero shows to come out anyway.

Originally Posted by raybass
I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Nothing fancy mind you, just plain jane will get it done with style.
Originally Posted by Pharmseller
You want to see an animal drop right now? Shoot him in the ear hole.