My old yellow lab had a pellet under his skin when he got x-rayed after I ran him over in the driveway. (he survived, but it "gloved" the skin on his leg and had to get sewed up). He was a great dog. All the neighbors loved him and would encourage him to visit. (apparently, someone maybe wasn't so thrilled with his visits!) he raised a whole neighborhood of kids as his own. Wherever the kids were playing, he was always with them watching over them. If the neighborhood ladies went for walks, they always stopped at our house first, so the dog would go with them and make them feel safe.

Funniest story was when one of the neighbor kids went near another neighbors fence that owned two Rottweilers. Those rotts came running out snarling and gnashing teeth towards the boy. My lab got between the boy and those rotts and puffed himself up and gave it back to those rotts. After the rotts turned and ran away, my lab walked over to the boy, hiked his leg and pissed all over him!