The paint ball idea is OK, but if it was me I would just go over and talk to my neighbor and try to work it out.

But, if someone shot one of my dogs, it would be their nightmare unless they shot me too. I don't care, cop, neighbor, president 0bama hunting for dinner. My dogs are fenced in but I have had a cop come pounding on my front door and shining a flashlight in my front door at 3:am. There was a car off in the ditch across from my house in a big snow storm, probably newspaper delivery. He could have called in the plate to see who it was, but he pounded on my door and seemed to have his hand on his gun with my dogs going crazy on the other side of the door. I had thrown on a trench coat over my underwear and had a Mossy 500 12 ga with 3-inch 00 buck underneath. I cracked the door and he was pretty nasty accusing me of this being my car and saying there were footprints coming down to my house. My dogs were going crazy and I had a focus on his gun hand and if he had started pulling his gun out he would have gotten a face full of 00-buck. You just don't go banging on someone's door at 3:00 am and act so aggressive that the dogs are upset.

So yes, if someone shot one of my dogs I would certainly take them out in the worst sort of way. Probably rifle to both shoulders to prevent CCW and then lube up the barrel of the 12 ga and insert about 10 inches up the buttocks before pulling the trigger and their last memory is all the crap blasting out of their mouth. So don't hurt my dogs, I care more about them than I do about you.

Osama and Obama both have friends who bombed the Pentagon.