Oh great, another "Im a big man dog shooter" thread! I should really stay out of these I guess but sometimes I cant help myself. Its pretty easy to tell a throw away stray from a cared for animal. If its a mangy looking, no collar wearing mutt chasing deer or acting aggressive, that's one thing. If its obviously somebodys dog, whether that be a pet or a hunting dog, that's another matter entirely. YES, Im well aware of leash laws but sometimes fluffy gets away for whatever reason. If I can catch it and its got a collar with contact info on it, then fluffy goes home. If not, I will try to find its owner and notify them of the problem. I AM NOT KILLING ANYBODY'S DOG just for being on my property! As a coonhunter, Ive ran into it way too many times and Ive told every single person that Ive met because of it that if my dog is bothering your livestock, KILL IT. I don't have stock dogs, I have coon dogs. The other side of that coin is this: if you shoot my dog, regardless of the fact that its on your property, for doing what hunting dogs do, I WILL HAVE YOUR ASS IN COURT and you WILL be found liable for the physical and potential future value of that dog. That can run into the tens of thousands of dollars btw and legal precedence has already been set in the matter. In TN, YES you can stop me from getting my dog, but YOU better not harm that dog either! Leash laws do not apply to hunting dogs in the natural pursuit of game fyi.
Yeah, Im a dog lover. In fact I think more of my dogs than I do most people. Sleep with my wife if its of her own free will, and you can have her, she was never mine to begin with obviously. Hurt my dog and you will see what hatred and hell really is.
3 days ago a half starved female beagle about a yr old showed up in the edge of my yard eating scraps. Shes got a collar on. Instead of shooting her, I walked up to her and picked her up. No name or info on the collar. I spent 2 days trying to find her owner with no luck. Right now shes sitting in my lap sleeping as I type this.