Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Dogs are often a source of tension between neighbors. If as an owner if you let your dog roam loose in an area where it may end up being a nuisance to other people, you have zero bitching rights when a neighbor relieves himself of that nuisance. People don't want to hear your dog barking. People don't want your dog shidting in their yard. People don't want your dog chasing them down the street. People don't want your dog getting into their trash. People don't want your dog attacking theirs. People don't want your dog chasing the birds they enjoy watching on their property. You have a goddam duty when you get a dog to keep the fugking thing from being a nuisance. Why is that concept so foreign to so many?

Kismet about this thread. Wife’s aunt and uncle came to the coast to visit us this past weekend. They relayed a story about their daughter and SIL’s husky that got attacked by their neighbors rescue pit bull that dug under the cyclone fence while owners we at work.

The pit tore their husky apart leaving them with a $3675 surgery bill to put the dog back together. The pit was stuck in the backyard unable to get back into its own yard. The daughter left a note on the neighbors door informing them that their pit bull was in their backyard and had attacked their husky. Also, on the note was a quick explanation that they may not be home since having to rush the husky to a Vet ER.

The daughter and SIL get home without their husky who spent 3 days at the vet to meet the pit bulls owners just coming home. When the SIL explained what had happened, all the pit owner said was “huh” it’s a rescue dog and seems nice.” Sorry about that happening, can I get me dog outta your backyard now?”

The SIL said sure, but what about the vet bill for $3675? I think you should pay us back for the attack your dog did...They pit owner said they didn’t feel responsible since the husky was likely barking at their pit bull causing him to dig under the fence and attack.

The daughter and SIL let it all go...They didn’t want to cause any further bad discord...Yeah, after they told the wife and I this story I was absolutely dumbfounded!

I simply suggested that since their neighbors work long shifts, that the SIL should make a ball of raw hamburger, stuff it with Decon and lob it to the pit bull. That would be the end of Mr. Pit Bull. Put the box of Decon outside somewhere near the fence should any questions come up from the neighbors about intentional poisoning the SIL and daughter could simply say “Huh, your Pit must’ve gotten out and ate the Decon we had thrown away in the outside garbage can”. Kick can over, strewn debris about and a few garbage items into the neighbors yard...Crime scene creating, etc...All this was allegedly suggested by myself.

For me, that’s way too much work. I would’ kept it very simple and shot the dog dead in my backyard and left it there for the owners to retrieve after I called the police to file a report of the attack and me being forced to discharge my firearm within city limits to protect my dog and family...Their daughter and SIL are very kind people. The type that wouldn’t say schit even if their mouths were full of it. 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”