I've got a neighbor who's dog I would shoot without question. He and his dogs are [bleep]. One dog got on a walker one day, broke the skin on the ankle, owner told walker that she needed to pick another street to walk on. Heard commotion another time to find a walker trying to do karate on the dog. The dog is pretty good about hanging around the guy while he is outside but he will run out into the street on occasion and barking when he sees me or my kids outside. I loaded up the shotgun once and leaned against the chair I was sitting in, I think they got the picture.

Being a dog owner myself, I do know they occasionally get out no matter the fencing, etc. But when you feel threatened, thats another story.

I hunt outside a small town and deal with lots of strays on the hunting property, if they have a collar, they get a pass, if not...sorry. I won't do it if my kids are with me though. I have too much invested to deal with dogs on the property. Two got after my son and I a few years ago on the way back to the truck and he gets scared every time we here a dog on the property now. That's not fun.

What pisses me off are the owners walking dogs that allow them to piss and crap all in my flower beds by the mailbox.

Last edited by killerv; 01/15/19.