Originally Posted by 1bigdude
Even a backward a$$ knows deer are managed by science for the health of the herd NOT FOR HUNTERS WE MERELY ARE THE MANAGEMENT TOOL. The kill is going to go up with a Saturday opener without doubt...remember the reason for the opening date change is to get MORE HUNTERS IN THE WOODS more hunters=more kills! More kills leads to shorter seasons.DUH HOW BUTT AZZ STUPID DO YOU NEED TO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT????????????????????

Go back and read moosemikes last post he is correct. The PGC deer harvest estimates are based on much higher license sales. The science doesn't work if you are that far off. Most arguments for the Saturday opener and semi's not to mention Sunday hunting are based on emotion by the backwards hunters of this state and not science.

Look at all the other states that do it with no issues.

NRA Lifetime Endowment Member