Originally Posted by ID260
Why do people hunt bears?
People hunt bears for the same reason they hunt anything else. It provides food, recreation, keeps predators in check, helps ungulate populations, black bear populations are extremely healthy, etc.

Why is bait used?
Baiting is an effective management tool. Bait reduces the potential for accidental killing of sows with cubs. A hunter can spend time watching the bear before squeezing the trigger at first opportunity like incidental kills or even some spot and stalk. Baiting helps manage the age class being harvested. It's far easier for a hunter to kill a big male by being choosey since bait gives opportunities to see multiple bears inhabiting the area. Bait increases potential for clean kill at close ranges. Not everyone owns dogs and some habitat isn't conducive to spot and stalk.

I've never baited, but clearly understand why some do and the benefits it provides from a management standpoint. Baiting also takes tons of time, effort and gas money. I typically spot and stalk, but certainly don't judge others who bait. When folks start singling out other hunters based on emotion or elitism, it just makes it easier for antis to condemn the entire sport. I try not to fall into that trap.

Never posted before...just thought I'd give my 2 cents.

Nice post.
