Jim Corbett was a great HUNTER and I still reread all his books periodically.

But he did NOT know all that much about rifles, to the point where he often didn't fire a rifle UNTIL he went hunting. Did a recent piece on this in RIFLE LOONY NEWS (which will appear in the upcoming GUN GACK III). He trusted the British gunmakers of the time to produce rifles that were perfectly sighted-in with multi-leaf open sights to several hundred yards. And sometimes they were not, especially those sighted-in at a factory in Great Britain and then used in the Himalayas.

My nomination might be W.D.M Bell, who not only was a great hunter, but knew rifles. He tested EVERY rifle he ordered himself, and modified the sights so that rifle shot correctly.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck