Growing up, Jack O'Connor is who I wanted to be as a hunter, but maybe more agreeable. Maybe because he hunted my kind of country--open, broken, wild, western. Coues in the Canelos, mule deer on the Kaibab, or jack rabbit in the Tortolitas, and he carried that same eye for the hunt around the world. It made me want to go. If he had hunted back east with his six buckets of corn and his slug gun--no thanks.

Greatest hunter is maybe an Eskimo in the Arctic winter. In no hurry, surviving with a rifle way too small. Or maybe he is a Tracker in Africa who can see sign that's not there. Maybe a fictional mountain man--hunting, trapping, trading--all the while, someone is trying to lift your hair. My thought would be Jim Corbett. His powers of observation, the physical toughness, and to get it done alone, in the dark, against the greatest hunters nature has.

Greater love has no one than this,that he lay down his life for his friends.