Lots of great hunters listed. And no argument from me on any of them.

The greatest hunter I've ever known was a little female Brittany Spaniel named Mandy. Came to me fully trained because she didn't get along with toddlers and our friends, the folks who owned her, had two of them. In her eleven year career with me, she taught me more about bird hunting than I ever imagined. She had no quit and the heart of a lion. She was always ready to hunt, even when she got to where her legs wouldn't carry her for more than an hour. She'd hunt to exhaustion and do it all over again the next day if I'd let her. She'd retrieve a quail or a goose as big as her. She had no love for doves though. She'd go out and show me where they were but wouldn't pick them up. She taught me that her nose was far better than any method of perception I had and often found birds in cover so scant I'd swear no self respecting bird would ever use.

I know everyone is talking about people who influenced them, but little Mandy had as much impact on me as a hunter as any person I've ever known.

Chronographs, bore scopes and pattern boards have broke a lot of hearts.