
I enjoy your Imagination and Pretend,as much as you do...you "lucky" kchunt. "Ding!" fries are done,you "hard charging" Counter Queen. Hint. Congratulations?!? LAUGHING!

You were almost gonna say sumptin' in "particular" about The Outdoors or The Rifle,but your surging Estrogen Levels saved you. Hint.

Bless your heart for cryin' and doing your best,with what incredibly little you "have" to "work" with.

Purty sure I hear a Grandbaby waking up,you stayed tuned to find out. Hint. LAUGHING!

You Retarded CLUELESS Fhuqks and your Melting Snowflake Routines,never loses the "magic" of it's oblivious humor quotient. Like moths to a fhuqking flame,as The Paper Hat Brigade "lives" vicariously and Whines in unison. Hint.

Looking forward to your next Whine and even more Excuses!



Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."