Excellent post whackem. It's interesting to see the levels of character here not too mention the levels of fear, in different individuals. Some guys here are so invested in the isolation practices that they are 2 weeks away from putting folks on a train to a concentration camp. Panic ridden, grabbing on to whatever they think will give them some guarantee of safety and a happy ending.

Acknowledging and submitting to a 2 week period of isolation for the betterment of the group is one thing, blindly listening to gov't officials that don't know their head from their ass, and considering every word gospel, is quite another. The narrative changes by the day.....most of them know very little of what's actually happening and cannot project with any level of accuracy. Elected officials that have shown, during this time of testing, to be completely inadequate. But yet, grown men, who should know better hang off their every word. It's embarrassing to watch.

It will be interesting to see, now that even the simpleton understands that actions have consequences, how many of these folks will keep the same level of fervor as we move forward, with regard to natural occurrence and the future political narrative.

Cowardice is the greatest pandemic that has ever affected mankind.