Originally Posted by TrueGrit
I can see why some folks don't like Trump, but you'd have to be an idiot not to vote for him. I'm voting a straight Republican ticket, the dumocrats have proven they will stick together no matter what.

One of the best conservative talk show hosts I have ever heard, even better than Rush, was Mike Rosen (850 KOA, out of Denver).

He would drive home the point: PARTY TRUMPS PERSON.

He is SO right. Don't blow your vote on some 3rd party candidate out of spite or platform. Don't vote the other side because you think your party has a candidate that is an azzhole.

Because in the end, its about house and senate votes, supreme court appointments, and the like.

Voting for me is easy. Check mark next to every "R". Don't even care the name. It's unfortunately a disgusting 2 party system, so I am all in on my party.

Anyone who votes independent is either voting to make a personal point to close friends or to feel good, none of which helps out country.

My humble opinion.

The DIPCHIT ADD, after a morning of drinking:

You despair, repeatedly, constantly! daily basis?
A despair ninny.
Sack up, despire ninny.