Originally Posted by RUM7
Well, sounds like it's time for war!!!!

Right after everyone takes there diabetes, blood pressure, and overactive bladder meds and gets a solid 8 hrs of sleep.

Maybe you all can get us the senior discount at Denny's on our way over to Virginia!

Your reality?😁 I take no meds. No high blood pressure, no nothing. Run younger guys into the dirt at construction work. 47, 5‘10”, 180 lbs. Got some life in me yet. 8 hours of sleep might be nice, though...

Even guys on meds can be a help. Old men rarely sit out revolutions. You don’t have to be running over hill and dale to gather intel or work a safe house. Or myriad other tasks that matter as much as killing the enemy. And then you have men like Samuel Whittemore. No softie, there. But I get your point. The crew here seems a bit older than myself and probably most of the other “fire-breathers”.