I finally got around to opening this discussion. It took a while to read. Along with some others I'm appalled at the acquiescence of so many otherwise freedom espousing men. The video of the expert with the red face and big glasses was really nice. If I understand him, we'll be safe from this when (if) the vaccine is developed. But then as he said the Chinese and their bat caves have 5000 more Corona viruses to bless us with. Also I learned that we can act like Africans if our children get sick and drop them off at the local incinerator. I guess we have at least learned how quick this country will knuckle under as have our would be adversaries also learned about us. We are in a heap of trouble and it isn't because of viruses

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."