Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by smokepole
His pond, his rules. That's how it should be.
Folks down south just seem like ass holes about their precious property. They act like they figure you're going to steal their ground one bucket full of dirt at a time or something. I've asked to fish in lots of private ponds around here and don't recall ever being turned down. I'm not talking friends or neighbors either but perfect strangers. See a pond I'd like to fish. Knock on the door and ask politely. Folks say sure, go ahead.

You're so special. But if someone owns land and doesn't want you on it, they owe you no explanation. That's a fact, no matter how much you want to bitch about it.
Never said I was special. They's probablt even give you permission if you weren't such a stupid lookin ass hole.

LOL, you, on the other hand are one handsome dude.

A wise man is frequently humbled.