Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by butchlambert1
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by butchlambert1
Read a little bit of this thread and wonder about some folks. My pond is only 1.5 acres and I sure as 'ell don't want strangers or unwanted people on my property. I have a lot of time and money in it. Stocking it, mowing and weed eating, built a pier, and just put 10lbs of Mozambique Tilapia to get rid of the unwanted vegetation. Yes friends, family, and the neighbor fishes it. Folks have a bad habit of leaving their trash and I don't put up with it. Smokepole understands.
Typical Texan. I haven't done a thing with my pond except fish in it since I bought the place. It's about 1/2 acre at the far edge of my back lawn 50 yards from the back door. It's got cattails and lily pads around the edges. Good habitat for the frogs and bluegills and bass that live in it. The ducks and geese and herons seem to like it too.

Kid, I'm an Okie that is proud to live in Texas. You can do with your mudpuddle as you wish and it doesn't bother me. Also, I will do with my mudpuddle as I wish without any help from you.
Gramps, I don't give a damn where you're from or whether you're proud of it or not. Being a selfish and stingy prick with your toys when you have been fortunate in life is never something to be proud of. It doesn't sound like you are, seeing as how you do let friends and neighbors fish your pond.

Young feller, you do whatever you choose and I won't bitch about it. I will do as I see fit with my property and it ain't none of your business. You know nothing about me and you have passed judgement. You must be pretty shy on friends, feller.