Had a coworker get it, he literally was the most vulnerable person I know that isn’t 70+ years old. 50+, Unhealthy, overweight ,sleeps with a CPAT , breaths hard walking up 6 steps. He checked himself into the ER and was released from the ER in 3 days. What we’ve been saying is that if he can beat it....anyone can. Had another coworker who got it, him , his wife and his daughter. Only he showed any symptoms at all and it was 1 day of feeling a little feverish, his wife and daughter never showed a single symptom. Buddy’s wife is an ER doc here in the Springs, she never saw a situation that was overwhelming or challenging to the hospital, in fact it was the opposite, nurses were being sent home because there was nothing for them to do since normal illness wasn’t being treated. What I don’t understand is as of late we’ve been testing at an astronomical rate, we know most people that get it are asymptomatic , is it a surprise that the case # is up? It’s like were not smart enough to understand why the case #’s are up. The chit didn’t magically go away, but it’s not even close to as deadly as they had us believing. IIRC H1N1 infected over 50 million Americans, do they think this will not do the same?