Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by Kodiakisland
Originally Posted by Fubarski
The latest scam is to count everbody in the hospital that has Covid as a "Covid hospitalization".

Every patient in the hospital is tested every day for it, to try and pump up the numbers.

So, look for the next fake news ta be the "people hospitalized with Covid".

They're in the hospital because of appendicitis, broke leg, diabetes or cancer or whatever, but they're counted as "hospitalized with Covid".

So that's what they do in the hospital you work in? Cause that's not the case for the hospital I work in at all. For the most part we don't want Covid pts and send them home straight from the ER as best we can. And no, every pt is not tested every day for covid unless there is a reason to believe they have it. Most only get tested on admit.

He's making schidt up again.

Now I remember you.

You're onea the Covtards that was screamin how we was all gonna die.

Nobody had any immunity to the cold virus.

Extremely contagious.

The cold virus floated through the air, like a helium balloon, til it landed in everbody's nostril.


It mutates!



In March, you'da ate the dried dogshit outta your front yard, if "Dr." Falsie had told ya it would save you.

You're immune to intelligent argument, but for the others on the 'fire, just one hospital, but they're all pannin for that extra .gov $13k in gold with every patient:

"Partners HealthCare is now running a coronavirus diagnostic test on every admitted patient at all of its acute care hospitals. As of Monday, inserting that long swab into your nasal cavity will be part of admissions from the emergency room and for patients transferred to the hospital. If you’re scheduled for surgery at a Partners hospital, you’ll likely be asked to come in for a test the day before.

Patients and hospital staff can expect to have the results within one to three hours.

Partners says testing all patients will improve safety for both patients and hospital staff.

Partners has also started daily coronavirus screenings on all admitted patients to catch cases that develop during a hospital stay."
