Originally Posted by okie
Mortality is what we should be looking at. Currently Oklahoma's mortality rate is a screaming 0.1%. Case rates are rising but the state is ready for that More PPE is available. 5000 beds are sitting ready in case of a rise. Current cases in hospital are only 277 . Business openings are at stage 3 since June 1st and will stay open. Current unemployment here is 13% and going down. Shut downs were meant to allow the state to get ready and not overrun health care and is successful . The virus is not going away but neither are we . There may never be a vaccine so herd immunity is our pal . These are real numbers .

Where do you get the 0.1% mortality rate for OK? According to the OK state health dept., the number of positives is 12,944 and the deaths at 385, which would give a mortality rate of 3%.
I certainly believe there are a lot more positives than what has been tested which would lower the mortality rate considerably, but I'm just wondering who's reporting a 0.1% mortality rate.

Don't just be a survivor, be a competitor.