Originally Posted by rj308
I was not going to get into this, but I want to add a comment for some to consider. If any of you are near as old as I, you will remember in the 50"s the 2 words "Japanese junk" And it was. and you should also remember Quality improved to what it is today, such as scopes that many on these forums cream their jeans over. During the war, Japanese committed a massive attack on Pearl Harbor and tortured American soldiers. I suppose those atrocities are forgiven now by those who now send their dollars over there by buying Japanese products, but that is fine. I know why many are poo pooing buying Chinese manufactured optics and with some very good reasons. However, to do this and lap up the Japanese offerings is just a bit contradictory to me. IMHO it is the fault of the U.S. government since the 50's. Mr. Trump is trying to correct some of this now, and as you've seen over the past 4 years, he's got an up-hill battle. If the "other side" gets elected, God help the United States of America. RJ

I can also say from personal experience with older relatives, WWII vets for the most part, that their attitude towards the Germans was a lot more forgiving than towards the Japanese. Common culture? Racism? Who knows? For certain, the Chinese in general hate the Japanese with real zeal because of about ten years or so of their atrocities in the 30s and 40s. There's also still considerable resentment about the crap the West pulled in China around the turn of previous century., facilitated by their own corrupt system. Look back long enough and you can find a reason to dislike just about anyone but Jesus. I try to keep my ire focused on current a**holes, and it's usually the governments for the most part. People, I take as they come, one at a time.

In the end, it's almost always about the money, and power, as typified here by the Kochs, Bushs, Clintons, Romneys, and the whole Technocrat class, who are also the enemies of ordinary people; the difference being a matter of degree, not intent.

What fresh Hell is this?