Originally Posted by SPQR70AD
Originally Posted by UPhiker
I know that. But in the Trijicon thread, it was about Trijicon suing Holosun for patent infringement by the Chinese. It was met with a collective yawn. People don't seem to care that China is stealing us blind.

The Chinese landed on the dark side of the moon. israelis tried it on the other side of the moon and the ship blew up from tech they stole from US. And you think the Chinese cant make a stupid red dot? america stole all the methods for factories during the industrial revolution from Britain and stole the textile manufacturing secrets from them. After WW II we stole tons of tech from the Germans. every country does industrial spying and stealing

So we should continue dealing with a country that does not protect intellectual property rights or corporate interests of foreign countries? We should have dealings with a country whose lab created virus will probably kill a few hundred thousand US citizens when it is all through? We should deal with a country that ran roughshod over Hong Kong and could not wait the 50 years to take over?