Originally Posted by johnw
Originally Posted by Oldelkhunter

Consider this. China is a formidable adversary, not because it is nominally communist, but because it is China. Just its sheer size makes it powerful. Many people can't get their minds around how massive an entity China is; it is a giant by any measure. It is evolving as a nation and international powerhouse, and has embraced in typical Chinese fashion a combination of communism and capitalism. Think ying and yang. It is not the communist part that is most dangerous, but Chinese capitalism. This is not Mao's China. The issue of communism is a distraction.

The issue of communism is at the core of our economic problems with China.

We do huge business with an entity that does not recognize or regard any rights to "real property" and then we piss and moan that they do not recognize or respect the intellectual property of others.

And their pseudo-capitalism is nothing but a marketing scheme to prop up their totalitarian regime. Their workers work where and when they are told to. And when they are not working they do not go to homes that they choose and own. The regime still controls all employment, and approves all housing allotments.

that sounds like the Hoover Dam job