Originally Posted by Pappy348
Weaning off the cheap-goods teat is going to take some time. With all the online ordering being done, it's simply not always possible to know the country of origin either. If you find an "American" product you like, but it's outsourced to China or another other hostile country, I suggest you contact the seller, tell them which of their products you were going to buy, and what you bought instead because theirs was Fabrique En Chine.

I'm with you Boomie, but if it's okay, my wife stays.

I got no problem with their people, it's their leadership and form of government I have no use for. Those that want to come here to get away from that in my opinion are fine. Most have a great work ethic. I just hate it when somebody indoctrinates them and makes them liberals. Also, there's lots of Asians in Comifornia who are born into liberalism.
My wife is Filipino so I'm not against Asians just some Asian countries, actually only two, China NOKO.

What goes up must come down, what goes around comes around, there's no free lunch. Trump's comin' back, get over it!