Wow. When I clicked on this thread I said to myself, "self, I wonder how many tough guys are going to be posting what a bunch of wussies everybody else is". What a pleasant surprise to see this thread, so far, filled with reasoned and rational analysis.

For myself, even though I THINK I handle heavy recoilers well, I do KNOW that the harder it recoils the less consistent I am and the less rounds I can fire comfortably. The older I get, the less recoil I like. Maybe that is wisdom, maybe it is experience and maybe it is wussitude. I don't know. As propellants and bullet construction improve, I THINK, "less is more", to a certain extent, is true. How much less is up to the individual.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck