You probly should, we let the Liberal fockers here in Canada run over us in the last election and now they are killing the west with death by a thousand cuts. 250,000 out of work as they are trying to completey kill oil and gas . Bankruptcy thru the roof as is suicide. It’s fookin sickening but the Passive Canadian majority don’t seem to give a fook .
Our Prime Minister should have been imprisoned for accepting bribey , Larceny, obstruction of justice , and tax invasion. ( panama papers). . He should have also been hung for Treason. IMHO. But the Big City pricks down east re-elected him..
So if you believe the Citiot’s have committed treason against your country I say a war is inevitable.
It may be up here aswell but it will likely be my kids doing the fighting by then.

Don’t sweat the petty stuff, don’t pet the sweaty stuff.