1 fix is allready available to us and while repulsive to conservatives we can use it long term to change the demographics and reduce to freeloaders. No conservative woman would really entertain the use of abortion as birth control. The blacks and libs do this so why stop them.? Defund higher education they are the ones propagandizing our youth. You want your kid to get a degree ,fine just don 't send one more fugging dime to the school or alumni association. Hits them in the pocket. Hit them in the pocket send your children to trade school to learn a skill and get a high paying job so they don't stay in the basement at 27 years of age unemployed. Next turn off the tv the media is the enemy supporting the left get your news here. Think about this , there are a lot of things we can do to change and impact what is going on around us. Mb

" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "