Originally Posted by pdXammo
Originally Posted by HuntnShoot
Originally Posted by pdXammo
Originally Posted by HuntnShoot
Originally Posted by pdXammo

Or I'm tired of hearing people run their stupid mouths off and push us closer and closer to losing our 2A rights with their undisciplined prattle. The person you have to worry about is the one who says nothing. Y'all choose your blind hatred and base inclinations over the preservation of constitutional rights.


So we shouldn't have a right to speak freely or we risk losing our right to bear arms? That's some of the most retarded schit I've seen in days. I preserve my rights. They cannot be taken from me. I can only give them away. The difference between you and I is I know what rights are, and you don't. Either that, or you are here to push communist collectivist talking points. Either way, as I said, Go Fuuck Yourself, Bitch.

Speak freely? Of armed rebellion and the murdering of your countrymen? I hear you saying rights but, I don't think you know what that means. Not to mention all of the above is conspiracy, sedition and just anti-American. Those rights were established by men and men can take them away, regardless of how you feel. You'll just be grist to the mill. If you want to preserve rights it is an entirely different battle, one you obviously are not equipped to wage. I actually get invited to speak before governing bodies on the subject and have a productive and measurable effect on the outcomes. You and your ilk however are a huge stumbling block to this work. If we lose these rights it will lay at your feet.
If you really believe in a deep state a critically thinking mind would consider that the worst and most extreme elements of each side were the work of such an entity to erode liberty all around. I know you don't think this dynamically for all your talk of 3d chess. Y'all likely can't hardly wrap your mind around an actual game of chess much less visualize the prosecution of such a contest 10 moves ahead. Educate yourself, get some counseling. Learn to convey a position through actual words and ideas not childish ad hominem attacks.

You are free to have your opinion. I think it is wrong-headed, filled with delusions, and just plain wrong. In fact, I think you're a fuucking idiot. I don't bother not calling fuucking idiots names when they begin the interactions with ridiculous claims and irrational views, saying that speaking your mind freely is "un-American (wtf does that mean?) or that somehow the exercise of one right leads to the loss of another. Why would I bother with a rational argument when addressing someone with irrational views? Your mind is in a trap. That's your deal. My deal is that I don't have to care one whit what you think, as my rights aren't dependent on you. In fact, they are dependent on no one but me. If you understood what rights are, I wouldn't have to explain that to you.

The only people I advocate killing are traitors, as is outlined in the Law. The only armed rebellion I advocate is against treasonous scumbags who keep on stealing and destroying what my ancestors built. I give no fuucks about worthless liberals. They aren't worth my time or my words. They are pawns, just like you are.

Understanding the documents and ideas that the Founders had for the nation informs what is and what is not "American". Rights are borne out of the collective social contract. Without this your rights last as long as it takes for your path to cross someone bigger than you. Your imagining of universal freedom is just that. You are the beneficiary of a society and you gave some of that up to belong to it. Don't believe it, talk sh_t find out, the alphabet agencies will disabuse you of this notion. Women gained the right to vote, black persons to be free, LGBTQ persons to marry, and numerous others have been codified into law. Maybe you don't know about the 18th amendment and the subsequent 21st. How about the 15th the 19th and the 24th? All of these are malleable, granted, and revoked through this system of governance. If this wasn't true the SCOTUS seats would not matter. Megalomania aside, your rights do in fact depend on everyone else, that's why we are a country, not a rabble. It's unfortunate that so many people have no grasp of these concepts. Not understanding these things is the greatest threat rights face. So, your ancestors were black?

All right....I'll bite, if only to show you for the ignorant POS you are at best, or a subversive plant intentionally spreading lies at worst.

According to the Declaration of Independence, authored largely by Thomas Jefferson, addressed to King George (you should really take the time to read it right now, if you are just an ignorant POS), RIGHTS are:

1) Self-evident, 2) endowed upon men by their Creator, 3) certain, 4) unalienable.

According to you, pdXammo, RIGHTS are:

1) borne out of the collective social contract.

And you accuse me of being "anti-American." I rebuke you here, now, publicly. You are the worst kind of worthless. You are a spreader of lies while wearing the guise of a patriot.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.