Originally Posted by DHN
Originally Posted by LeroyBeans
Originally Posted by DHN

Well, California does not appear to be succeeding, but hopefully they will secede.

Actually, they seem to be succeeding very well. After all, they are the ones that are paying the lion's share of the federal money that covers for red states that suck the federal tit to keep their highways from becoming wagon ruts and paying for all that military, etc. Montana would starve without California.

Yeah, California is a success, all right. More people on welfare than workers, high rent, real estate prices beyond an average person's means, cities swimming in filth, high crime rate, no liberty, living under an oligarchy. Meanwhile, Montana grows a lot of the bread and meat that feeds them, and we have one of the highest rates of young people who join the military to protect their diseased lifestyle. Some of us like wagon ruts, it keeps trash like you away. Dream on, moron.

Also the only state that has massive amounts of human excrement in the streets and seems okay with that.