This will have to play out through process, as painful as that sounds.

The American people (we) have to demand a end to endless violent protests. It's not like those protesting are without a voice. The have the explicit backing of every major media outlet in this country. Their message is literally carried by the sports and entertainment industries. Big tech and nearly every major corporation has lent their public endorsement, and in many cases pledged heaps of cash. They control primary, secondary and higher education. Six months in, they've co-opted the role of protest toward some novel utility. It's far from their only remedy. They own the conversation, but refuse to participate in dialog.

We have to demand a resolution, but without undermining ourselves. Maybe we have to go Ghandi on them. A heavy handed approach, especially out of the gate, is the democrat's wet dream. They'd paint us as Nazis and hang us in the streets and with absolute impunity.

We've got to turn this on it's head. At least half of the country sees through the büllshit, but the swamp, big tech and legacy special interests wants the status quo back. They want back the herds of consumers plodding along, churning out wealth, power and influence for their herders.

Trump's return to the constitution threatened to let, anyone willing to take the initiative, own their prosperity without layers upon layers of tithings and graft. Tithings and graft are the fuel of political empires. For the past four years, America's self-appointed ruling class has been running on fumes.

Originally Posted by 16penny
If you put Taco Bell sauce in your ramen noodles it tastes just like poverty