Sorry about your pup. We were lucky to have a Vet who would come to the house the last 2 times it became necessary.
Still two of the worst days of my life.

I'll offer a .308 anecdote from my former neighbor here in FL. He grew up on a ranch in Rhodesia and later became a PH.
The boarding school in S.A. would send them home for a month 3 times per year instead of our customary 3 months off
once a year. Upon arrival at the ranch he would take his Mauser .308 out and shoot an Impala. Said Impala was then traded for
a brick (1000 rnds) of 7.62 ball at the nearby government run range/shooting club. He would then while away his time burning up
that ammo on targets of opportunity, typically going through 3 1/2 bricks in his 4 weeks of vacation. Imagine how much confidence and
skill accrues from all that practice! Probably why he was much enamored of the old .308 all these years later.

There is nothing made by man,
which cannot be broken by woman.