Originally Posted by Dutch
Originally Posted by gunner500
Interesting Jag, today i had:

Breakfast, 4 eggs scrambled in bacon grease, salt/pepper, big squirt sriracha, half pot black coffee and same mug full of full fat cows milk.

Lunch, scraped the tops off homemade pizza, hate the thin crust once it's reheated, ingredients are wild pig sausage, jalapenos, onions, some kind of white cheese and some homemade sauce from Wifes garden tomatoes, threw that in a skillet, cracked in two more eggs and had with black iced tea.

Supper will be a bowl of venison stew with a beer or two, capped off with 64 drams of Glenmorangie before bed.

Been eating that way my whole adult life, cholesterol is 150 last check, blood sugar 99, i dont know squat, but guess i'll continue.

Very similar to my routine.

Last physical, doc asked about my weight loss (about 25 lbs), so I told him. He couldn’t believe I had lost weight without exercising (good grief, I farm, who needs exercise?), and insisted on running the full gamut of blood tests - which all came back as good as you can ask for.

He simply could not believe it was possible — and this is a fairly young guy that should still be open to learning something new. Which underlines my concerns with the state of education of our physicians today - hard to think of it any other way than pharma / intervention driven.

Yes Sir Dutch, i hate to read about all the meds some take on a daily basis, it sucks when i have to travel, cant eat right, especially airline food, that stuff is pure trash, eat it or starve i guess, take me a week after back home to purge that junk from my system, get strength back, and get to feeling like myself again, may sound crazy to some, but it's real.

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