Originally Posted by Dutch
The strength part is something that keeps surprising me. There are certain objects on the farm that I pick up and move on a fairly regular basis. Today, at 56, I move them with much less effort than I did even 15 years ago. Even flexibility seems to be getting better, not worse.

The only meds I have to take is an anti coagulant due to a hereditary clotting issue, and I still supplement B12, at least until my gut heals enough to start absorbing it normally again (another thing the doc is confounded about, in that he wants to inject it every two weeks, but liver in the diet accomplishes the same thing, but I suppose he doesn’t have the liver concession.....).

You bet Dutch, same here, although now, you at 56, me at 58, we'll tear the crap out of our old selves now, went out and banged myself up pretty good, had a fusion at L4-L5? whatver they're called around '93, bout have the rest of my back worn out, still not going to quit, keep that liver running smooth with around 64 drams of scotch per night ; ]

i only need medicine if talking politics.

Trump Won!