Didn't watch the clips so not sure if this was covered on them, and if not, its a bit off topic.

Its impossible to talk to about cholesterol, heart disease without including the effects of testosterone, estradiol and progesterone and the interactions they have.

Estradiol is cardioprotective, and something like 90000 women die in US from heart disease caused by low estrogen, Men convert testosterone to estradiol which gives them this cardio protection.

the estrogen that was given them was not bioidentical, it was from pregnant horse urine (Premarin) The WHI Womens Health Initiative was a failure. and the progesterone medroxyprogesterone not bio identical.

this does not happen when they are given estradiol and progesterone.

likewise in men injectable testosterone (ester analogs-not bio identical) will cause release of plaques and strokes and is contra-indicated in high cholesterol pts.

topical bio identical testosterone does not do this and is not contra-indicated.

Most people don't have what it takes to get old