Originally Posted by saddlesore
Originally Posted by Etoh
the injection is Repatha , very expensive. once or twice a month- self administered. In the trade called Drano. will lower by 50%

I was on Lipitor for maybe 10years.Got all the side effects mentioned. My cholesterol climbed to 280 in 3-4 years.No diets helped and I tried every one.If your body produces it, diets won' t help . I have some blockage and some hardening of the arteries around the heart and going into my lungs.My calcium score is elevated, and I fight high blood pressure. I have family history of anuerisms (sp) and strokes.Two months ago I started on the Repatha. First month cholesterol dropped to126 taking two injections per month which cost $505. At that cost, I would hit the Medicare doughnut in August, I so I have had to cut back to one injection per month. Next blood test is in May so I will see how that does

Being 78 vs 50 years old, is big change in your body chemistry and what works at 50 doesn't work in later years.I didn't take hardly any drugs back then. A lot of folks are in for big surprise.

78? man you've won the battle - go have a cheese burger and thumb your nose at all these health care professionals

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings