Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Yes. Often on this forum nonbelievers are declared to be " part of the problem". They are declared to be supportive of liberals.

I and I am sure many other nonbelivers are as sincere in our moral and conservative values as any Christian, even if we are unsure of the existence of God.

Freedom of religion must include the pagans, jews, muslims, hindus, buddhists, as well as freedom FROM religion.

I agree 100% with your second paragraph. Nonbelievers that buys into traditional Western values are not the problem. The problem is that traditional Western culture and values are fundamentally rooted in Christianity. For most nonbelievers it will not make sense to embrace those cultural norms and values founded in traditional Christianity if an atheist.

I agree with the third paragraph to the extent that yes tolerance for all 100%. Functionally that’s easy when it’s a small percentage of the population. As we pump people into this country legally and illegally from all over the globe and have actively worked to rip apart Christianity from within with nothing in terms of faith, norms, or national pride diversity only makes things worse. Not talking about the occasional outsider type personality but wholesale diversity as a nation and culture rather than a mostly monolith is a weakness not a strength.