Originally Posted by BigFiveJack


You are missing some info. Morals, absent those that come from an Almighty God, are
constructed by the most powerful person, (or committee) at a given place, at a given time.
Did the Vikings behave according to the 10 Commandments?
Did the Mongols? Did the Native American tribes? The Aztec tribes? The Watusi tribe? The native Australians?
No. Savagery prevailed.
In Hitler's Germany it was Moral/Right/Proper for the Germans to perpetrate all the atrocities that they did.
Speaking against THAT, would get you imprisoned, tortured, killed.
In N. Korea right now, what Kim says, GOES. To go against him is to face the same as to defy Hitler.
Absent the absolute rules established by God, such as, To Be Our Brother's Keeper (which means that we are to
watch out for each other's well-being, to have each other's back) no one would have any moral standing to go into
N. Korea and try to rescue Kim's nation's people from the horrific conditions that Kim imposes upon them.
Further, you say with common sense that people can come up with the 10 Commandments on their own.
Wrong. There was a primitive tribe in Chile, into the early 1970s, who was ignored by the government there, because
the lived remotely. Their standard practice was to kill and EAT 4 out of every 5 female newborn children.
Christian missionaries went there in the early 70s, taught them the Christian doctrine, and that tribe halted all their
terrible practices, and became a Christian people. YOU are the beneficiary of CHRISTIAN teachings that have long
been in place in our nation!
Be grateful for Christianity, and We Have Your Back !

Interesting. Do you have a name for the tribe in Chile or a point of reference?