Originally Posted by Jim1611
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Yes. Often on this forum nonbelievers are declared to be " part of the problem". They are declared to be supportive of liberals.

I and I am sure many other nonbelivers are as sincere in our moral and conservative values as any Christian, even if we are unsure of the existence of God.

Freedom of religion must include the pagans, jews, muslims, hindus, buddhists, as well as freedom FROM religion.

You're talking about my post in another thread. First my very best friend absolutely hates churches. I respect him for that and know some of the reasons he feels that way. You may very well be like him. What my point is that if you are of the mindset that christians in general need to be kept away from places of influence, like our government, I think you're wrong. Not you personally but in the general term.

So here's something. Prayer in school. You may not like that, fine. I feel it's okay. If your child does not want to pray then so be it but if mine does lets treat it the same. It's not that way though, in many places. My child can be kicked out of school for doing so. That is wrong. I would not want your child forced into prayer either. So here's the solution of the leftist. Outlaw it. It fits their agenda perfectly. Are you okay with that? If so then you are aligning yourself with them.

Many christians, including myself are more in tune with your desire to not worship God than you may know. I would not want any law passed to force you to do so. So here is my plight. How can I fight the leftist/communist takeover and not insult you? I don't want to alienate you but at the same time what they're doing is destroying our nation. You must see that as a conservative.

Here's another thing. On conservatism. We want less government, on that I am sure we agree. They have been over reaching for years. Why is the government so intrusive in our schools? We know why. So they can control what these kids are taught or not taught. The dumbing down of America as Rush so often called it.

An iron clad statement for me is that you cannot be a true christian and be a liberal and support what they do. So I know of many that claim to be christians and sanction almost everything these people do. I want nothing to do with them. To me they are deceived. Rush Limbaugh was one of the finest conservatives I think we've seen but he rarely spoke of God. What he did do was to defend many, at times even more than most clergy, foundational aspects of Christianity. Like opposing abortion. He also believed our country was founded on biblical principals. I feel the same. I hope you do too.

I'm not saying you have to attend church or read the Bible to be a good person. My friend I mentioned does neither but he and I relate on things that are founded on what the Bible teaches. Trust, integrity, honesty, respect, love of country and fellow man. Is that was motivates you in how you behave? If you're truly a conservative there is only one answer. Our Founders were conservatives. If you share that with me we will have more in common than you may believe. Their way is the only way to go forward. If we do we will be doing something that pleases God, in my opinion. If you're living a life of a true conservative that alone will mean you are doing things aligning with Godliness. To take God out of any conservative effort is not the way to go.

Background: First: I believe the priests of ancient Israel were studied and learned men, who kept meticulous records. They wrote laws for the benefit of the tribe and health of its people.

It just so happens that the people of today differ little from the peoples of 4000 years ago. The rules of conduct and behavior which favored peaceful coexistence of the tribe so long ago are the same rules which would be written by any sociologist today.

Second: I would take no man's faith from him. I deeply respect any man of true faith. Not so much the man who professes such, but shows no charity or love for his fellow man.

And third: When I speak of freedom from religion, I speak only of freedom from being forced to profess or practice any religion.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.