The connection between a transcendent authority above humanity (it doesn’t have to be “God”) and our freedom is inescapable. To the extent that we as a society recognize this fact and fall back on that as a point of commonality we can remain free. As the Declaration of Independence says, our rights are not granted by a benevolent ruler or government but endowed a priori.

Central to the totalitarian forces aligned against us is secular materialism; this is the guiding presupposition of Communism. There is nothing but the physical, there is no limitation inherent in our nature, and as the highest form of life on this planet it is imperative that we manipulate reality by whatever means necessary to make things “better”. They have no god to answer to but themselves, no transcendent rule by which they must govern their actions, and no recognition of the inescapable limits of human nature.

This is not an apologetic for Christianity per se, but a rebuttal against those who claim that faith in a transcendent reality is antithetical to freedom. It is, in fact, the one foundation upon which we can have assurance of something worth passing to posterity rather than gulags and bread lines.