Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
Originally Posted by RJY66
Originally Posted by Cheyenne
Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
What we do need as efw said is a common culture. Generally agreed on socially excepted morals.

Slavery was a cultural norm in this country, apparently practiced by some alleged Christians, until about 160 years ago. If we had kept that as a cultural norm, would that be OK with you?

Great question in 1860. Totally irrelevant virtue signalling horsecrap in 2022.

Yep, completely irrelevant and meant to drive divisions and emotions. Especially when it was happening around the world but only focusing on one nation

IMO out founders were political revolutionaries and geniuses that fundamentally changed the world from a monarchy based globe to an individual rights with a freedom to vote world. To focus on anything else given the context of the times is being dishonest. Our founders did more to advance individual rights than any single group in history.

I get that point. We all are flawed and they were and knew it as well. They actually hoped that the cultural norm that they knew was wrong would change.

"Don't believe everything you see on the Internet" - Abraham Lincoln