Originally Posted by gregintenn
Someone show me a binding document that declares the separation of church and state. It isn’t that I disagree with the concept, but this is one of those little nuggets of bullshit that has been repeated so many times that most everybody believes it’s true.

The first amendment is clearly written to keep government from declaring a national religion. That’s it! Don’t believe me? Read it for yourself.

The closest thing I can find is a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists. This would have absolutely no legal standing whatsoever.

Yep I think it was around 1830 or so when the last state finally dropped it's official state religion. I looked it up a while back, but don't remember the specifics.

Personally I'd be fine with banning the practice of Islam, but then I'd be fine with banning the Socialist and Communist parties too. At the state level.

Last edited by dodgefan; 03/31/22.