Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
Originally Posted by efw
One has to wonder why, if the moral law is so basic and anyone could come up with it, we have any problems at all?

It’s like common sense… that is anything BUT common.

A lot of people seem to not realize that fundamental Christian beliefs are the building blocks of what made Westerns civilization. Asians as a whole are as intelligent or more so. It was the biblical teachings especially those of the New Testament that propelled Western Europeans and eventually Americans to lead the world and set us apart. The concepts of individual freedom, nuclear families, respect for authority while also being an independent individual free to make one’s own choices and on and on were concepts pioneered by the West and based on biblical teachings.

Westerns Europe was obviously deeply religious at the time that most modern culture and political theory was being developed in that part of the world and it was carried over to the US. It’s impossible to separate traditional Western values and culture from biblical teachings.

False in many counts.

I suppose you believe the monks in Ireland saved western civilization too?

I say this as a “white” Christian

How so?

I didn’t say that they saved it. I said that Christian worldviews created it. The concepts of Magna Carta in England which influenced our founders and the concepts of our Constitution are rooted in Western philosophy based on Christian concepts and worldviews.

Modern Western European culture goes back to roughly the Middle Ages at a time of deep faith and where Christian concepts played a role in everything. It was that faith that influenced nearly everything going on as the culture and political climate changed over the years under that influence bringing us out of the Middle Ages leading right up to recent times and still does today in large part even as we see it crumbing.

Rather a Christian or not it’s impossible to not recognize the role religious philosophy and Christianity had in shaping Western philosophy as a whole and ultimately shaping the world IMO.

It was biblical faith and teachings that laid the groundwork for nearly all modern Caucasian cultures just as the Curran has for Muslim culture or that atheism generally defines Asian culture.