Originally Posted by jorgeI
I am sure most if not all the guys who posted pictures, including your truly, I don't think are trying to impress you or anybody else.

get off your high horse/

Doubling down, I see. Of course that's what you were doing. You're the one who posted your buffalo shots and wrote, 'up close and personal', with nary a word about the guy getting killed on his hunt. Readers are supposed to take what away from that, exactly?

It's safe to say I'm not alone in enjoying most any pics of people and game taken in Africa and anywhere else, and reading of their experiences, good, bad or indifferent. What I don't think is that folks were expecting a bunch of personal pics taken on their own safaris on a thread about a guy getting killed on a hunt.

The shots themselves of the buffalo taken were great, but IMNSHO belong in a thread celebrating the thrills and challenges of a DG hunt, not on one such as this, but as I wrote before, my opinion only and your mileage obviously varies greatly from mine.

Here's another article about the original topic. Feel free to post more of your pics.


Buffalo Attacked & Killed A 50-Year-Old Benjamin De Bruyn
By Heist.money (self media writer) | 8 days ago

Buffalo Attack And Kills A 50-year-old Limpopo Man, this is definitely something that we did not expect as the ordinary members of the public. Especially in the wake of the fact that there are incidents that are happening, which implicate the president of this country who is also referred to as the buffalo but that is a story for another day.

The Police in Limpopo are investigating the strange incident that happened at Oxford Farm Steenbokpan at around 08:00 in the morning, it is clear that this old man was in no shape to the running away from a wild animal like that.

And that is why he could have lost his life even if you are quick on your feet oftentimes these animals can run faster than humans, the man was with the farm owner when the buffalo attacked.

Despite the fact that there were several shots which were fired towards the buffalo the attack from the animal was Swift and his death was instant, paramedics were contacted to come to his rescue but as soon as they came they assess the situation and discovered that there was nothing else that they could do for him.

The farm owner tried to rescue him by firing at the buffalo, this is when the buffalo turned around and started chasing him but fortunately for him he escaped by climbing onto a tree along with the photographer who was present on scene.

Benjamin De Bruyn is the 50 year old man who unfortunately lost his life due to an attack from a buffalo, attacks from animals are things that are real and they are often captured by the statistics that will tell you that a certain animal is responsible for the deaths of so many people per year we must pay Close attention to those things.