Originally Posted by KillerBee
My only question is, why do they let bowhunters hunt them with bows? Not that I ever want to do that, because I do not have a Black Death wish! lol

Just got back from the Save last Saturday. 30 y spot & stalk, not no SA ground blind BS.

You're at an advantage with a bow as once you've sneaked up on them, they don't know what hit 'em. We got in close, had a few stare down sessions. He accepted us and once hit, he didn't know what happened. 40 y later he fell, bellowed and died.

I never really was interested in hunting buff. My first one was for lion bait, didn't really care. Second one was an add on to an ele with a double. That was fun getting to within 40 y.

This last hunt we made several stalks before we got busted, some within 15 y and could bear them feeding. The most exciting hunt I've ever had. Shooting stuff with a scoped rifle has lost my interest, especially in NA.

I'll never go back to Africa with a scoped rifle and plan on doing nothing but hunt buff with a bow till I can't walk.