Originally Posted by Judman
Originally Posted by Big Stick
More people are killed by Horses,than Buffalo. I enjoy that Mark Sullivan shoots 'em like fhuqking Prairie Dogs,to the chagrin of blue haired bitties the World over. Hint.

Fhuqking LAUGHING!.................

Ya really gotta watch those wounded horses, they’re really known to backtrack, stomp ya into the ground and hook ya with their horns!!! It happens daily you ignorant fuuck!!! Haha
I worked or my dad as a child driving a team of Belgiums on small horselogging operations and did a little backcountry trips in Idaho with stock. I can assure anyone that when your hitching up a team to logs its dangerous but when you accidentally park them over a yellow jackets nest it's as dangerous as any beast you'll encounter. Chaos at best.

With horses it's not them going after you but more about them reacting when spooked and excited. They can be lightening and kill a human just as easy as any cape buffalo. I know a guy who got trampled in his barn by his team when a thunderstorm hit and spooked them and they killed him.

Bull cattle can be just as dangerous too. Sure cape buffalo are mean and tough by their nature but I doubt they're anyore dangerous than an Hecks cattle one on one.

Bottom line is, spend enough time around cape buffalo, or even large domestic or wild stock and there's a probability you can get stomped into soup. Fortunately even a cape buffalo or horse can be stopped with an 308win to the brain.