Originally Posted by hatari
I'll try to weigh in on this. Hopefully, I understand the original article accurately.

First, to the question of what obligation a PH has to protect his client. Answer to that is the PH is the body guard of his clients. That means he will stand between his client and potential harm. That's why they are licensed professionals.

That was my understanding. Seems only right. Similar to a ship's captain. Ultimately, the skipper is responsible for the well-being of all passengers aboard and it is his duty to do everything in his power to get everyone back to port safely.

Originally Posted by hatari
To this current story, the specifics are a bit vague, but the dearly departed seemed to be on private land, and it is not clear to me if he was hunting or videoing.

To me it read that the farm owner-- in a professional capacity or not isn't clear--guiding Mr. De Bruyne. Another guy, a photographer, was along as well. Both the farm owner and the photographer got up in a tree after Mr. De Bruyne was killed, and after the farm owner had 'shot at' the buffalo during the fracas.

Originally Posted by hatari
Says "he was with the farm owner". I must surmise the "farm owner" was not a licensed PH. If hunting, he was out maybe guiding him, but this is a different scenario than hiring a true PH. This is hunting on your buddy's ranch with your buddy stuff, it would appear.

I this instant, the farm owner/buddy tried to intervene, but saved his own hide when things got hairy (no criticism intended).

I'm thinking you're correct, but it's not clear from the article. I can only hope someone went back to finish the offending bull, which presumably was wounded. Sad deal all around. I hope what both articles were accurate as far as the man dying very quickly.

Thanks for your reply.