Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by Skankhunt42
Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by stxhunter
They should put electronic locks in schools so that any teacher or administrator can push a button and lock every door at the same time.

So who exactly is the "They" in your post?

Do the schools in your area have such a system?

Have you thought through any downsides besides the cost of such a system?

What happens in a fire?

Fail safe/Fail secure, do some research dumbass. Pretty simple really

Well get it done.

If you believe that's a simple answer to stopping school shooting why are you sitting on you azz posting on the internet and not saving kids?

It's actually very simple, prisons have been using fail safe/fail secure locks for years. It's the money that's the rub. Maybe if the Gov't hadn't sent BILLIONS to Ukraine for your hero they'd pony up the funds to the schools. Dumb Fugk