Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by JohnBurns
I can find a lot of fault with how this went down but the cop not taking a shot he was not sure of is pretty far down the list of what went wrong.

In my opinion you are missing the bigger piece of that part of the incident. The officer made a radio call to ask for permission to shoot from someone who was not seeing what he saw. If that doesn't raise a major WTF with you, you should really distance yourself from these kinds of discussions. That call belongs to the officer and the officer alone. If an officer needs help making shoot/don't shoot decisions, he is in the wrong profession. If he had passed on the shot because of his own assessment, then I'd understand his decision.

Well we can all have opinions and I will express mine when ever I feel the whim.

Don't want to see my opinion Rick Bin has supplied you with a handy little button. Click it.

Of all the issues with this disaster I find the cop not taking a hasty 148yds shot on a moving person he has not positively identified as the shooter one of the smallest.

To not understand that no city police force in the nation, much less in small town Uvalde, trains 148yds moving shots really means you don't even sort of grasp what was going on in that cops head.

You are free to Monday Morning Quarterback that to death, from your key board, but he did pass on his own assesment and was looking for validation for a risky shot from his chain of command.

Last edited by JohnBurns; 07/16/22.

John Burns

I have all the sources.
They can't stop the signal.