A few observations:

The 148 yard shot. Given the readiness and preparation on the part of all city LE on site I’d say that shot was about 147 yards too far. Give someone with the wherewithal of this traveling circus an AR with red dot and pace off 148 long steps. Tell them to stand and shoot the silhouette target you just placed down range. It’s entirely likely you’ll get a response something like “What target?”

The unlocked exterior door. I’m not Gods gift to doors and windows operation but I know all the secured doors I’ve been in contact with are of the automatic locking type. That is you can open them from the inside, most often with a push bar type mechanism, but the door remains locked from the outside. Yes the locking feature can be overridden with a key so outside entry is accessible by anyone that can pull the door open or cheated with a rock blocking closure. The unlock mode is most often used in areas of common use, not at the back of a school accessing an unguarded parking lot. Someone intentionally defeated the auto locking feature.

The classroom door lock. It has been stated and reported the classroom door could be locked only from the outside. I think somebody is either awfully mistaken, not truthful, or truthful about a situation that is unbelievably stupid. If this is the case it’s possible to lock the children and instructors inside their classroom but impossible for the occupants of the room to lock danger out. Really?? The only time I’ve seen that is with isolation doors used to entrap an undesirable. Usually a small room with exit possible only with assistance from outside the entry or exit possible thru a second door not leading to the protected area that automatically locks from the inside.

Much of the above is conjecture based on my personal experience as well as the ability to evaluate a situation requiring a response. The only certainty is that there was enough stupid in Uvalde to fully contaminate 10 more cities. And there is still a lot of BS coverup.

“When Tyranny becomes Law, Rebellion becomes Duty”

Colossians 3:17 (New King James Version)
"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."